January 29, 2012

Every end has a new beginning…

Every end has a new beginning…
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea.” Revelation 21:1
This is only the end before the new beginning. This has always been about the character of God which is love as revealed by the ultimate sacrifice of Christ Jesus to redeem man back into the family of God, the fellowship of angels and the communion with unfallen worlds. While most of the human race on Earth live and age, work the stress cycles of life just to maintain their existence, give birth and die, and never grasp the meaning of their existence or reach their ultimate potential or radiate source love- there has always been a plan for the human race to lift man beyond his complacent vision of himself to greater glories. God is a journey of existential meaning and source love. Only when the soul is emptied of self can it be filled with something infinitely more valuable. Our time of Earth trials is described by the Bible as the birth pangs that will induce a new world. Before us, lies the chance to live forever in a world imbued by love and brotherhood, with no crime, death or any of the imperfections that now blight the human existence as auguries of gloom. Behold a place of light where divine joy is exponential instead of earthly anguish- and where the human body will shed its frailties and grow-up in the fullness and stature of Christ. The body shall never tire, thirst or be wearied for want of sleep. There is no night there and the time which now enfolds our world in entropy will be no more. All memories of this past life and the dreary days of agony that marked Earth’s final passing will be wiped from the mind. God himself shall wipe away all tears from their eyes…’and there shall be no more death, sorrow, nor crying…for the former things are passed away.” Every trace of sin, death and anywhere the forces of the Earth have left marks of her violent temperament is to be forever eradicated from human sight. Alas, the recreated Earth shall be seen as the pure lumen from space, sparkling with the colorful hues she was designed to radiate! Light shall clothe the children of purity in the new world and the universe, and its myriad unknown worlds will be their study into the blissful rolling moments of uncountable millenniums. The joy that comes from sharing this vision of the future only becomes more radiant as the world grows darker.  –The Extinction Protocol

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