January 28, 2012

Arthritis: Foods Not To Eat

Arthritis: Foods Not To Eat

An improper balanced diet and faulty consumption of specific foods may lead you to the disease called Arthritis. Read more on arthritis: foods not to eat.

Arthritis by definition refers to the inflammation of a joint or joints, the wear and tear of them, muscle strain and scaling down of the physical abilities in doing daily work. Such limitations can hamper various activities that you ideally do. The main complaint that individuals suffering from arthritis hold, is massive pain in parts of the body such as muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments leading the patients to vulnerable aches, swelling and stiffness in the joints. Often specifying the actual cause of arthritis can be difficult because it is based upon several factors like genetic mechanism, obesity in the hips and knees, bored infection in the joints or increase in age or even a stressful life. But one of the roots of this occurrence is an ill-balanced diet. Food might just lure your mouth having the thought of different savory flavors. But consuming food in any amount does not sound rational. A well-balanced diet is ideally essential for any living body. It significantly provides you with all the necessary nutrients that your body needs, so that it can maintain a healthy body weight. Here, we will understand the role one's diet plays in treating arthritis. Before we move to arthritis: foods not to eat, you can take a quick look at arthritis diet cure.

Arthritis Diet: Foods Not To Eat

Initially making some changes in your diet may be highly annoying and limiting because you will no longer be feeding on the kind of food you have been consuming for a long time. But making these dietary changes will relieve you of your pain and subside arthritis within weeks, or less. So if you want to make a positive change to your health, you must know which foods to avoid with arthritisand how.

Avoid Oils: The primary keep-off type of food is the one containing omega-6 fatty acids (which are one of the essential fatty acids). These fatty acids are found in vegetable oils, margarine, sunflower, corn and safflower oil. The Omega-6 fatty acids increase inflammation of the joints and increase body weight. (It is understood that entirely nullifying the intake of these acids via food is not suggested, all you have to do is, consume them to a lesser extent.) On the contrary arthritis foods to eat include omega 3 fatty acids, because they play a crucial role in brain function and in the normal growth of the body. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. In short it demotes inflammation by preventing the arterial walls of the heart from various blood clots and fat deposition. Thus it is advisable to avoid all fried-foods and switch over to a diet which has olive-oil and canola oil as the food's base material.

Avoid High-Fat Foods: Some foods have unsaturated fatty acids, especially baked foods, fatty meat which include red meat, pork, poultry, etc. And also various dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, cow's milk, etc are high fat foods. All these constituents are really not the foods to eat with arthritis because it will aggravate this disease all the more. Running some clinical trials on the other hand, it is said that consumption of at least 70 grams of meat protein a day is not going to do much harm. And also real butter, cream and eggs are known to be a perfect anti-arthritis foods to eat, and can hence be included in an anti-arthritis diet.

Eliminate Nightshade Vegetables: Some reports have proven that consumption of vegetables like potatoes, capsicums, chili-peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes aggravates arthritis. These vegetables consist of alkaloid which stimulates nerve pain, chronic joint and muscle pain. Thus these vegetables cannot be made a part of an arthritis diet. However, arthritis foods to eat include garlic, onions and leafy vegetables. Including them in your daily diet can help you achieve joint pain relief.

Follow a Low-Salt Diet: Salt consists of sodium and the consumption of it causes water retention in the body. When the body retains water, it strains the joints and muscles and puts excessive pressure on them resulting in a swell. Hence, try to reduce your salt intake if you are an arthritis patient. Instead of salt you can use low-sodium salt or seasonings. Salt-free seasonings are readily available at the food market. You can choose foods from this low sodium foods list and make them a part of your diet.

Avoid Sugared Fruits: Adding to the arthritis: foods not to eat, you can compactly have fruits and beverages as a disapproval too. Consumption of fruits for people suffering from arthritis can be edgy enough. The reason being the sweetness and sugar content in different fruits. Fruits like strawberries, bananas, peaches, oranges, pineapple, pears, and melons of any kind should not be on your list at least not until your pain is better off. Good fruits like grapefruit, kiwi-fruit, berries can be an alternative though and well be included in your arthritis diet plan.

Avoid Drinks: Similarly flipping over to caffeinated beverages and aerated drinks namely soft drinks, soda, coffee, tea should not be an arthritis patient's choice. Intake of caffeine to a limit increases stress in the body, thus its recommended not to drink coffee and tea. Anything that says 'diet', 'decaffeinated' or 'Lite' is not good for arthritis patients. It is suggested that drinking more than one cup coffee a day is hazardous to health. Instead drinking 8 glasses of water with a lemon squeezed to add taste would serve you the purpose on any summer day.

Remember one thing; we will only be able to defeat arthritis as long as we have a clean immune system and strictly monitor our diet by keeping an account of all these guidelines, monitoring our eating habits and reminding ourselves repeatedly of the arthritis: foods not to eat. I am sure, familiarizing with this kind of a diet is going to help you for your own good. After all, it is in your hands to keep your health. And If you still cannot resist certain food items, try pinching yourself the next time you think of even going close to them. Just don't do it too hard..!!
By Fatima Rangwala
Last Updated: 9/26/2011

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