September 30, 2011

Fat Flush Soup from Woman's World - tryin' it!! : )

I'm 204 as of this morning. Not horrible, but not comfortable either, especially on a bad left knee and bad right ankle and having to stand at work 5+ hrs a day. So... pick up a Woman's World Oct 3 2011 issue and follow the info on pgs 18 & 19. You start the morning with a SMART, HEALTHY breakfast. Lunch and Dinner is 3 cups of the soup.
It also slashes cholesterol, kicks up metabolism, beats bloat, and flushes toxins!
Enjoy & Good Luck!



    What I wrote on Woman's World fan page:

    By the way, Woman's World, I lost 5 lbs so far (in 3 days!) on the Fat Flush Soup diet in the Oct 3rd issue! I've gone from 204 to 199 (as of this morning). I added ground turkey and black beans for the choices it gave me for this week's batch. I'll take Fri & Sat off, while still watching what I eat, and make a new batch for the next week with ground beef, dark red kidney beans, and an extra dash of the cayenne so it will be more like a chili! This soup tastes so good! THANK YOU from the bottom of my fat little heart!! : )

  2. In case you come across this too late to buy the magazine, here's the soup recipe and tips:

    Fat Flush Diet Soup:
    2 tsp olive oil
    1&1/4lbs lean ground beef, turkey or shredded chicken
    1 onion, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, chopped
    1 bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped
    8oz mushrooms, chopped
    1- 14oz can crushed tomatoes
    1- 32oz bottle Reduced-Sodium tomato or vegetable cocktail juice
    1 Tbs fresh lemon juice
    1- 14oz can beans, rinsed and drained
    1 Tbs ground cumin
    1/8 tsp cayenne, or to taste
    1/4 cup each parsley and cilantro, finely chopped
    In a stockpot, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Saute' meat/poultry until cooked through, about 5-10 minutes. Drain and set aside. (Here I added another spoon of oil) Saute' onion, garlic, peppers and mushrooms until soft, about 5-10 minutes (I like mine very soft). Stir in remaining ingredients including meat, EXCEPT cilantro and parsley. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Stir in cilantro and parsley. Cover, simmer 10 minutes. Store soup in refrigerator up to 5 days.
    Makes 16 cups, 1 serving = 3 cups. Replace lunch and dinner with this soup. Smart breakfasts, and 2 snacks a day (yogurt, banana, peach, blueberries, etc), and you can trade out a soup-meal (like if you're going out with family or friends) for a 5oz serving of protein like chicken or beef, with veggies and herbs... no pasta, no creams, no carbs. Think smart, eat smart : ) ENJOY!!

  3. This morning I am 197.5!!

    Today I made the 'second week' batch (this is not required but I AM ENJOYING THIS "DIET"!)

    Instead of ground turkey and black beans, added ground beef, dark red kidney beans and extra cumen. YUMMMMY!

  4. I made it down to 196 and I don't C R A V E the foods that were so bad for me. I do crave more veggies now and chicken and some rice, but I eat brown rice, etc. I've tried to incorporate more home exercises but it's still slow going because of the 'arthritis' I am experiencing, but I'm doing what I can at my own pace and I hope to be tightening up over time. I look forward to feeling better and looking better, to myself. I'm not doing this for others - I hurt and I don't like the way I look, so I am doing it for me. You get the honor of slowly watching it happen LOL

  5. I'm starting this again tonight with leftover turkey : )

  6. Awesome job! Thank you for posting. My fb weight loss group are going to start it on Monday.
