August 26, 2011

BOOK REVIEW: "Rumors of God"

Rumors of God
By: Darren Whitehead, Jon Tyson
Thomas Nelson / 2011 / Paperback

I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest opinion on my blog.

When hope is gone, or you've hit a wall and feel you can't get to God, or you feel like He has left you, this book will remind you HE IS IN CONTROL and YOU HAVE TO ACT ON THAT. I forget so often to ASK GOD FIRST what to do in certain situations. Don't just go bumbling in, ask God what to do. He will tell you, and you will hear Him, loud and clear. Common fears you may have, I have them too... the same fears your neighbor has, your preacher, your best friend. We all have the same questions sometimes about God, Jesus, life. This book can and will help you. Get it now, don't wait. We all need hope NOW.

Publisher's Description:
Rumors of God is a call to Christians seeking a vision of the life God is calling them to, one that transcends the shallowness of our culture.

In his classic work, Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis likens an encounter with God to coming to life: "This world is a great sculptor's shop and we are the statues. But there is a rumor going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life."

However, today many Christians live with tension. What the Scriptures promise seems like a far cry from what we experience in our lives. As a result, God seems distant, and the life described in the Scriptures seems more like a series of rumors than reality.

Does God still do great things today? Is it possible to really experience Him? Can we close the gap between what we hear and what we see?

Rumors of God is a rally cry for the church. Authors Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson share compelling stories about the work and activity of God today. Packed with fresh cultural observations and illuminating Scriptural insights, Rumors of God will ignite a passion in your heart to see your faith come to life.

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