February 11, 2011

BOOK REVIEW: The Truth About Dating, Love & Just Being Friends by Chad Eastham

The Truth About Dating, Love & Just Being Friends by Chad Eastham

This is a wonderful book for teens. I am looking forward to my son reading it. He just turned 14 on Tuesday. Great timing!

The footnote on the front of the book says this:
...and how NOT to be MISERABLE as a TEENAGER because life is SHORT, and seriously, things don't MAGICALLY get BETTER after high school and lots of other IMPORTANT stuff, but we'll get to that later...

I wish this book had been around when I was growing up. I made so many mistakes! If you had quiet parents like me, you know what I mean. You may even be as uncomfortable as they were to talk about dating, sex and the truth to your kids... either way, get this book for your kids! It's going to cover things you may not think of.

He covers a lot in this book! From "5 ways to know if he/she is really into you" to "The problem with dating mythical creatures".....Huh?! LOL : )

The BEST part? He will not BORE the teen! He covers something in a couple of paragraphs and moves on to either backup what he said, or to lead into another subject, and educates the teen while keeping their attention.
He includes quips and quotes from famous folks & the Bible, has interviews from kids who want to know what's what, interviews with kids who already know what's what, and so much more! Ever wondered why a guy did this, or why a gaggle of girls do that? It's in here!

There is also information like online links for them to visit for support on different topics, from abuse to addictions.

Get this book for your teen. NOW!

242 reading pgs + notes
Written/Published in 2011

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255


  1. This book: full of truth about dating and whatnot from a guy who's dated. I really don't have much to say about this book, except it made me laugh, and laugh loudly. It was well researched, well written, and really enjoyable to read.

  2. Best book I have ever read on relationships. Thank you for referring me
