January 06, 2011


For breakfast I had oatmeal with honey, cinnamon and a pat of butter, coffee, and my vitamins, I always forget to mention those. (checkout sundownnaturals.com for coupons to use in your
local store. I was not paid to endorse them I happen to be using them right now).

Lunch is a small wheat tortilla, a tablespoon of Bertolli spag sauce, turkey pepperoni, oregano, and Mex Cheese mix. I started to put baby spinach on top, but will save that for my smoothie later. I toasted it in the toaster oven. It got a tad singed b/c I forgot to reduce the timer. I'm use to toasting bread, and this is much thinner. For my drink I had an "Arizona Diet Green Tea with Ginseng".

Supper will be chicken strips, mac n cheese and some type of beans.

Call someone today you haven't talked to in a while, just to catch up : )

Enjoy your day!

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