January 22, 2011

Sandra Bullock has been my fav actress for a very long time...

Story photo: Sandra Bullock Steps Out as Ex Jesse James Announces EngagementAAR/Fame PicturesUs Magazine

She is such a regular person, not full of herself like other actors. She has a beautiful heart and soul. It doesn't hurt that she's beautiful on the outside, either.

Here, we see Miss Bullock with her adopted son Louis, who turns one this month. She's in NY to shoot "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" with Tom Hanks.

She looked amazing on Sunday at the Golden Globes, and admitted she was "having trouble" being away from her little guy for the first time but with "modern technology," she could still "see him". You have Skype and iChat and things like that. Every five minutes my phone goes off with pictures, documentation. He's got the iPad and the iPhone and the computer with iChat."

Too cute : )

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