November 09, 2010



Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this;To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

James 1:27

What is "real" Christianity? Think of it as an on going relationship- an all encompassing relationship with God and His Son Jesus. It is inevitable that your life must be lived in relationship to God. The question is not if you would have a relationship with Him; the burning question is whether that relationship will be the one that seeks to honor Him or the one that seeks to ignore Him.

We live in a world that discourages heartfelt devotion and obedience to God. Everywhere we turn, or so it seems we are confronted by a mind- numbing assortment of distractions, temptations, obligations, and frustrations. Yet even on our busiest days, God beckons us to slow down and consult Him. When we do, we avail ourselves of the peace and abundance that only He can give.


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