October 24, 2009

Saturday - A Dose of Daily Inspiration

The Right Kind of Behavior
By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. 1 John 2:3 NASB
When we behave ourselves as godly men, we honor God. When we live righteously and according to God's commandments, He blesses us in ways that we cannot fully understand. When we seek righteousness in our own lives--and when we seek the ompanionship of those who do likewise--we reap the spiritual rewards that God intends for us to enjoy.
Today, as you fulfill your responsibilities, hold fast to that which is good, and associate yourself with believers who behave themselves in like fashion. When you do, your good works will serve as a powerful example for others and as a worthy offering to your Creator.
A pure theology and a loose morality will never mix. C. H. Spurgeon
Christians are the citizens of heaven, and while we are on earth, we ought to behave like heaven's citizens. Warren Wiersbe
Be such a man, and live such a life, that if every man were such as you, and every life a life like yours, this earth would be God's Paradise. Phillips Brooks
We should live in light of being called out of this world at any time into the presence of God, where we will receive our eternal reward. John MacArthur
Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, this world has countless temptations, distractions, interruptions, and frustrations. When I allow my focus to drift away from You and Your Word, I suffer. But, when I turn my thoughts and my prayers to You, Heavenly Father, You guide my path. Let me discover the right thing to do--and let me do it--this day and every day that I live. Amen

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