October 08, 2009

Nigerian Mango Salad

Nigerian Mango Salad

Makes: 8 servings

Created by The MDM Team, Saturday, January 12, 2008
We're redefining salad with this mouthwatering mango medley that brings home the flavor. Juice this tangy treat for all its worth... and that's a lot.

2 mangoes, cubes
1/2 pineapple, fresh, cubed
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 cup apricot nectar or orange juice
Strawberries, for garnish

In a 2-quart bowl: Add the pineapple to the mango. Blend the juices separately and then pour over the mango. Serve on lettuce cups either individually or in a bowl. Garnish with fresh strawberries.
Additional Tips
Ready in 15 min

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