October 04, 2009

Feast Brunch

Feast Brunch

Occasions: Brunch

Created by The MDM Team, Saturday, November 10, 2007
We admit it -- we're egging you on with this divine breakfast casserole. You don't need a special occasion to indulge in this eggs-trodinary morning meal. Dig in!

6 slices thick sliced day old bread
3 cups grated sharp cheese
5 eggs
3 - 3 1/2 cups whole milk
1 tsp. salt, could take more, also pepper
Dry mustard, just a pinch
10 pieces bacon or cooked sausage, crumbled

Use whatever amount of bread it takes to fill the pan snugly. Don't leave any open spaces, cut small pieces of bread to fill in any gaps.
Trim crust from edges of bread.
Beat eggs until thick and creamy.
Butter sides and bottom of pan well. Butter both sides (not edges) of bread well (butter bottom of bread slice especially well). Remove crust from outside edges.
Blend milk, beaten eggs, salt and pepper; add a pinch of dry mustard. Put crumbled meat on top of bread slices, cover with cheese and pour over milk and egg mixture. You must soak this for at least 2 hours (preferably make night before and soak up to 24 hours if necessary).
Bake at 325 degrees if in glass casserole. Must be brown on top. Cook uncovered.

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