September 22, 2009

Tuesday - A Dose of Daily Inspiration

Contagious Faith

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23 NIV

Are you genuinely excited about your faith? And do you make your enthusiasm known to those around you? Or are you a "silent ambassador" for Christ? God's preference is clear: He intends that you stand before others and proclaim your faith.

Genuine, heartfelt Christianity is contagious. If you enjoy a life-altering relationship with God, that relationship will have an impact on others--perhaps a profound impact.

Does Christ reign over your life? Then share your testimony and your excitement. The world needs both.

Your enthusiasm will be infectious, stimulating, and attractive to others. They will love you for it. They will go for you and with you. Norman Vincent Peale

Prayer must be aflame. Prayer without fervor is as a sun without light or heat, or as a flower without beauty or fragrance. A soul devoted to God is a fervent soul, and prayer is the creature of that flame. He only can truly pray who is all aglow for holiness, for God, and for heaven. E. M. Bounds

Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn. John Wesley

Don't take hold of a thing unless you want that thing to take hold of you. E. Stanley Jones

Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, I know that others are watching the way that I live my life. Help me to be an enthusiastic Christian with a faith that is contagious. Amen

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