September 01, 2009

I am looking for 15 new recruits for AVON!!

I want to make it far in AVON, and I will. And I want you to enjoy the ride with me :)
I am looking to recruit 15 new AVON reps quickly!!

When I recruit 11 by Campaign 21 (we're on 19), I will earn a $500 bonus. Sounds nice, right? RIGHT! Want some of that? Of course you do! Incentives really get you going!
It's only $10 to join!
Since AVON is now online, it cuts out a lot of running around and door-to-door sales.
I am ultra-excited about my newest venture! People already know AVON and usually love it. And it's not just makeup!
My first order that I just sent off, was almost $200.00. That was only 4 people. Think how many sales I'll be pulling once I get more books out there, more ads on my pages, more people I talk to in everyday life. I'm stoked :) Also, every sales campaign runs for two weeks. I only had one week to get this last order!
Come on, grab my coat-tails! LET'S GO!!
Ballentine, SC Representative ~ I sound like a politician! LOL :)


  1. Sorry, I already sell Avon! lol

    I don't recruit. I don't want to lose my customers. I figured out that I make more money by not recruiting because most of my customers place large orders. I the long run, I make more.

    Hope you do well!!

  2. Sorry, I already sell Avon! lol

    I don't recruit. I don't want to lose my customers. I figured out that I make more money by not recruiting because most of my customers place large orders. I the long run, I make more.

    Hope you do well!!
