August 23, 2009

Sunday - Prayer of the Evening


"There is no one like God, who rides on the heavens
To help you and on the clouds in His Majesty.
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath
Are the everlasting arms...Blessed are you,
O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord?
He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword"

What an amazing picture! God rides on the heavens to help you. He is your refuge. His arms are holding you up, no matter how heavy the load, how difficult your circumstances, or how strong your fears. God not only fight for you but also provides you with safe refuge. He actually fights in your place while you rest in the safety He gives. He shields you, saves you, and gains victory for you.

As you pray, ask God to show you how this passage applies to your life right now. Think of the specific challenges you face. Picture yourself in His loving protection as He fights your battles for you. Don't try to face your challenges alone. God doesn't want that. He is grieved because you are not allowing Him to do all that He longs to do, He is grieved because you make yourself more vulnerable to Satan's attack. Every time you ask God for help, He will rush to your side, and the enemy will be forced to flee from you.


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