August 09, 2009

Sunday - A Dose of Daily Inspiration / The Consequences of Jealousy

Aug. 8-9, 2009
The Consequences of Jealousy
Romans 13:13
In learning about the nature of jealousy, perhaps you realize that you do, in fact, struggle a bit with this problem. Maybe you envy a friend, neighbor, or coworker in a way you've never consciously considered. If so, understand that this is a serious danger which must be excised from your life.
As we realize how envy corrupts various aspects of our life, we can learn to identify when we have a problem. Prayerfully review this list of some consequences of jealousy:
• Fear--You're afraid of not getting what you want or of losing what you have.
• Competitiveness--You aggressively strive to outperform others.
• Critical spirit--Undermining the success of others becomes a goal.
• Comparison--You measure your own success by the accomplishments of others.
• Divided mind--Someone else's success becomes a constant distraction.
• Anger--Hostility is a natural outgrowth of jealousy and bitterness.
• Insecurity--You never feel as if you have enough, because you place a higher value on what someone else has.
• Lack of peace--Jealousy and peace stand in opposition to each other; you simply can't have both.
• Illness--Emotional turmoil can take a toll on physical health.
Remember that jealousy is a land mine which maims or destroys whoever triggers it. However, recognizing its destructive consequences may help you start to identify this issue in your life. Then, with the Lord's help, you can begin the journey toward healing and restoration.

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Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. © 2009 All Rights Reserved.

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