July 12, 2009

Sunday - A Dose of Daily Inspiration

Week of July 12


"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." ~ Psalm 4:8

God made His covenant of peace through Christ so that we may live free of hostility and enjoy life in complete security. God's original intent was that we live fearlessly and in safety. Of course, this requires obedience, following the voice of the Holy Spirit carefully and seeking God in worship above all things.

Proverbs 28:26 says, "He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe." May we exercise God's wisdom.

Proverbs 29:25 says, "Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe." May we fearlessly trust God, not man.

Proverbs 18:10 says, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." May we run to the Lord.

Psalm 34:10 says, "... those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. May we seek the Lord.

Deuteronomy 33:12 says, "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields Him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders."

May we rest in the Lord.

The enemy would like nothing more than to destroy us through eternal separation from God. Although we can rest secure in our salvation, consider how he could destroy our lives through tempting us away from worshiping and seeking God's face regularly as the Holy Spirit leads. The enemy can use distraction, complacency, overwork, untimeliness, fear and false responsibilities to lure us away from our first priority, thus causing us to not know God's revealed direction for specific assignments.

Seeking God's face and direction is an obedient choice we make. If we willingly choose to not seek His will, we may lean unto our own understanding, talents and gifts to make important decisions. Thus, God will not bless the work of our hands. Even though we may accomplish a bit, at some point, we will come to a screeching halt.

Throughout the Bible, God revealed unusual directives to leaders. Consider the Book of Joshua where the Lord gave Joshua a unique strategy for each battle in the Promised Land. What if Joshua hadn't listened and instead leaned on previous battle strategies (old manna) to get him through. What if he had looked left and right upon distraction and not kept his eyes upon the Lord? What if he had let fear control his actions?

Joshua would have failed because he would have been in disobedience against God and would have been fighting in his own strength. Much hinged upon Joshua's obedience, including his own life. But it wasn't just about him. It was about a nation. It was about God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven. It was about a Kingdom.

Clearly, obedience is key to our security and livelihood. God's mercy is new every morning. May we partake of His fresh manna and drink of His new wine daily so that we may enjoy life in complete safety.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ. Check out the new God's Love at Work Businesswomen Select program and the Women's Fellowship gatherings.

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