June 09, 2009

Tuesday - A DOse of Daily Inspiration

Living Free Every Day®

Today's Scripture
"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 NIV
Thoughts for Today
Some singles who have never married are burdened with feelings of not measuring up or of not being desirable or attractive. They may have the same feelings as a small child on a playground who is chosen last for team sports. A sense of waiting, but never being chosen. Feelings of not being good enough to be asked to play or of not being wanted.
Several years ago, a single woman in her late 30s wrote a prominent advice columnist to ask for a snappy comeback when people asked why she was not yet married. She was advised to tell her questioners that she had not found a man who deserved to be as happy as she could make him. A humorous response ... but this lady's question indicates anxiety about the way society looks at the never-married.
Consider this...
Whether you plan to stay single or to marry one day, make the most of each day now. Think of the old saying, "This is the first day of the rest of your life." Build your career, develop meaningful relationships.
Above all, remember how special you are ... because you are special to God. He loves you with a love greater than we can even imagine. He has given you your own unique personality and blessed you with gifts to serve him and others. He has a special purpose for your life. Pursue the fulfillment of that purpose today ... and every "today" to come.
Father, help me stop focusing on what tomorrow might bring. Help me focus on today. Help me accomplish the purpose of today's journey. I praise you for your love and thank you for the good plans you have for me. Help me to walk in the center of that plan today. In Jesus' name ...
These thoughts were drawn from...The Single Christian: Living as One in a World of Twos by Dr. Elizabeth Holland. In a world where everyone seems to have a mate, it is difficult to live life as a single person. Whether you have never been married, are divorced or are widowed, this study is for you. In The Single Christian, Dr. Holland examines many of the different facets of singleness, from rejection; bitterness and unforgiveness; loneliness; to dating; single parenting and the positives of being single. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals.
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