May 04, 2009

Monday - A Dose of Daily Inspiration - from Senior Living Ministries

Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children.--Titus 2:4

There's a story of an older woman, Ms. Betty, who was known for her warm spirit and grandmotherly love toward everyone. She was the type who had numerous families over to her house for lunch after church on Sunday. She fixed the best homemade meals and seemed to fit the mold of a perfect, godly woman.
After months of praying for God to bring a new pastor along, He did. And Ms. Betty took the young pastor's wife under her wing to encourage her and model a life of service--through missions, hospitality, and other activities in the church. Before she knew it, the once-intimidated and shy preacher's wife was speaking at Bible studies and preparing mission trips for overseas.
The younger woman didn't realize it at the time, but God used Ms. Betty to plant a seed that would one day give her, along with her husband, the courage to follow Him to Brazil as missionaries. God knew that the young lady needed the influence of a servant-hearted believer like Ms. Betty to open her heart and cause her to answer God's call. Through her words and actions, Ms. Betty left a lasting impression that forever changed the pastor's wife.
How can you make a difference in the life of a young person? By simply being compassionate enough to care for them unselfishly and get involved in their lives. The Bible tells us that we can influence others through our testimony, our words (Colossians 4:6), and our teaching (Titus 2:7-8) for His glory. Don't let your wisdom and experience go to waste, for at the right time God will bless you for your faithfulness (Galatians 6:9).

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask God to bring a young person into your life with whom you can be a mentor, encourager, influence, and friend.

Click here to visit Senior Living Ministry's website

1 comment:

  1. What great advice. I have someone in mind that maybe I can help who is a young mother at our church.
