April 12, 2009

Celebrating Easter every day

April 11-12, 2009
Celebrating Easter Every Day
Luke 24:1-9

The Easter story is a message of hope. Yet many people celebrate this holiday with only chocolate bunnies and egg hunts because they do not know its real purpose. The gospel is precious information that Jesus asked His followers to spread widely (Matt. 28:19). He expects that each of us will be prepared to answer those who are curious about the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15).

Christianity is unique. Other religions and belief systems have a "doer" philosophy. In other words, to achieve eternal life, a follower must follow leaders' instructions, adhere to rules, and/or give as much as he is told. The Christian life also includes good works, obeying commandments, and tithing. However, these activities are the result of serving Christ rather than a supposed method for reaching heaven. Instead of placing our hope in human ambition and diligence, we recognize Jesus as the only path to God.

Jesus Christ's primary purpose in coming to earth was to die for mankind's transgressions. Had He stayed in His tomb, everyone would be responsible for his or her own sin-debt. But Jesus conquered the grave, which means that His followers can too. Those who believe in Him are released from their death penalty and invited to spend eternity with God.

What are you doing with the amazing message of God's love? The commission to "go and make disciples" is meant to be an integral part of every believer's life. We should share about Jesus while at home, at work, among friends, or pursuing hobbies. In other words, we are to celebrate Easter every day.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit www.intouch.org
and listen to Dr. Stanley at OnePlace.com.


The 'In Step with God' Workbook
The Creator of the universe is constantly at work all around you, inviting you to join in His endeavors. But sometimes it's hard to understand how He's working and what your part truly is.

Dr. Stanley's insightful new book will help you better understand God's personality and the way He operates. As you see Him more clearly, the meaning of events around you and your own life will come into sharper focus.

Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. © 2009 All Rights Reserved.

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