November 08, 2008

Donna from D's Designs had a heart-attack - she is ok - please pray

If you haven't heard by now...Donna had a heart attack and triple bypass surgery. Here in her own words she describes what happened:
{{{Indigo}}}Thanks... and I am so sorry I worried folks. After spending halloween at my sisters and with the kiddo's I came home with what I thought was indigestion. WRONG! I actually had a heart attack and triple bypass. I got out of the hospital just yesterday and will be staying with my parents. I promise I am recovering nicely but I'm bit slow. LOL Ohhhh and Dad's pc is too. I am planning on doing an update but not sure how soon I will have the energy. Maybe a few days. If you want to share with folks that I am recovering nicely and will be back as I get my strength feel free. I dont want to scare anyone... but I promise I am doing well.
love ya
I'm still in shock and even in my worry can't help thinking - she went through triple bypass surgery, yet she's worried about everyone else...leave it to Donna. What did I tell you, a genuine sweet spirit! Please stop by her journal to leave some encouragement, good vibes, and prayers here: D's Designs and Other Things

Please do keep her in your prayers and drop by her blog and leave her some love!


  1. I was wondering where she was!! it wasn't like her to just drop out of sight like that. Thank you so much for letting us know. Blessings* Teresa

  2. i just took it as though she has been busy im hurt i didnt know.

  3. OMG! Praise GOD she is okay. Keeping her in my prayers and thank you for the update!

  4. Thanks for passing this on hon! (Hugs)Indigo

  5. Thank you for the update. Im glad she is ok.
