October 26, 2008

Busy Weekend

I went to Kay Arthur's seminar yesterday from 9-5 here in SC, it was incredible! I sooo want to be like her! The passion she has for Jesus, for us to KNOW about him, is beyond words. She does not stray from the Bible, everything she says is backed by it. She is amazing. Did I already say that? :)
I missed the Friday Night session because of the horrible storms we had here. I thought, "Surely they will cancel Fri Night, and not chance Ms Kay getting hurt!". Nope, they were there. But there was no way I was leaving my house. We had 50+ mile an hour winds, lots of rain, falling trees and powerlines - no thank you! So I bought all the live cd's at the end of the seminar :) They had not anticipated just how many people would really be there, and ran out of stickers for the cd's, and the black cases. They had to revert to the small, clear cases. I think that it's awesome that so many people were there!! :) Also, I bought Zach a copy of the "Children's How to Read Your Bible" so he'd have something inductive from her to help him along. I want him to be the kind of man a mother is very proud of, and I want him in Heaven with me! I already have the grown-up's version of that one, but she could only sign one book per person.
I had a gentleman (assuming a bodyguard LOL) take a pic of her and myself, but apparently I waited in the book-signing line so long with the camera open, that it drained the batteries. DUH. You know how people love to talk :)
Kay is a beautiful 74 yr old woman! She looks 60. Her BDay is sometime this month, and so is Billy Graham's. Yes, October Babies, we share our Birthday Month with wonderful people :)

Anyway, today I go to church and Sunday School, and then to a Birthday Lunch (monthly) with my SS ladies. I'm the only one with a BDay this month, so I tried to talk them into NOT celebrating it LOL But they said, oh no, we celebrate so we can eat anyway!! LMBO!!
This time it is being held at Ms Faye's, and she elected to cook again! We love it when she cooks! She's making a roast and all the trimmings and we all take money to pitch-in. Last time she made spaghetti and everything to go with it! YUMMY! Sometimes we take covered dishes to who-ever's home we're eating at, or we go to restaurants and let others wait on us :)

OK, off I go to church. Shouldn't you get going, too?!

Here's a couple of pics of the kid and one of the girls... caio!


  1. Zach is a cutie doing his homework and what a pretty kitty. Hope you enjoyed church as much as the seminar.
    Hugs, Jyce

  2. Sounds like a good weekend to me!! : )
