October 26, 2008

Oh man, what a wonderful lunch that was!

Roast with carrots and potatoes. Macaroni & cheese. Butter beans. Collard greens (I only ate a little with some good relish, but they were actually good!). Corn bread. Sweet iced tea. And Banana pudding for dessert! Whew, Lordy! LOL Great fellowship as well, but I'll keep their pics to myself. Never know who doesn't want their pics out there in the world. Here's the food:


lisa said...

YUMMY!!!!!!!!!! I love potluck food and that food looks divine! XO

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

Wow, that potluck looks so darned delicious! HUGS

Beth said...

Yum, that sounds great! Whew, I'd be stuffed!

Anonymous said...

YUMMMMMMMMMYY!!! All the food sounds delious.

Joyce said...

I love pot luck. Yummmmmmm.
Hugs, Joyce